Powerhouse Grant-Giving

Grant-Giving for 2024

You can read more here about the projects funded by the 2024 round of Powerhouse grant-giving

Bids for grants should meet the Fund criteria

  • Joint bids are encouraged as partnerships generate greater impact.

  • 90% of the qualifying grant beneficiaries will live inside the Greater Didcot area of Influence, including local villages (see map below).

  • Bids will meet the annual theme

  • Grant recipients must evidence the impact of their project(s)

See more detailed grant criteria below

Powerhouse Grants Panel

Grants Panel members understand the variety of communities and diverse areas of need in the wider Didcot locality. Their role is to review initial Expressions of Interest through to compiling the successful grant shortlist, assisted by Oxfordshire Community Foundation. Grant-recipients provide regular progress updates and their impact outcomes are highlighted in The Didcot Powerhouse Fund Annual Impact Report. Please see the Grant Panel members’ biographies below.

Housing: Jackie Logan, Soha Housing Education: Will Manning, Headteacher, St Birinus School The Oxfordshire Lieutenancy: Elizabeth Paris, Deputy Lieutenant for Didcot The Oxfordshire Community Foundation: Anne Davies, Trustee, OCF South and Vale District Councils: Jayne Bolton, Infrastructure and Development Manager Communities: Revd Mark Bodeker, Associate Minister, Great Western Park Church Health: Dr Rachel Starer, Former Didcot GP Secretariat: Annette Ahern, OCF, Office Administration and Governance

Meet the Grants Panel Below

  • Jackie Logan

    Soha Housing

  • Elizabeth Paris

    Deputy Lieutenant for Didcot

  • Mark Bodeker

    Church of England Minister

  • Ian Busby

    OCF Chair

  • Rachel Starer

    Retired Didcot GP

  • Jayne Bolton

    South & Vale District Councils

  • Lucinda Cross

    Clerk, Grants Panel

Grant criteria & Annual Grant Theme

The theme for grants changes annually and for 2024 is is ‘Creating Stronger Bonds in our Community’. Specifically projects that will:

  • help to create a resilient and more inclusive community where people of all ages and backgrounds can thrive

  • collectively address challenges such as isolation, disadvantage of poor mental health

Over the last two years £175,000 has been awarded in 35 grants ranging from £400 to £13,000, all serving beneficiaries in the Powerhouse area. Find out more about the grants awarded here.

Geographic area for grants

Wider Didcot area has pockets of poverty that fall below the Oxfordshire average and, in some cases, place it in the lowest rankings inside the UK. Charities are already working hard on a levelling up agenda, but there are neighbourhoods where additional support is urgently needed.

The Didcot Powerhouse Fund aims to accelerate the levelling up process by streamlining corporate and community giving more effectively. We invite grant applications from charities and organisations providing support to Didcot and the local villages, particularly from those that are working closely with other charities and agencies. At least 90% of beneficiaries of any grant from the Fund must live inside the Didcot Garden Town Area of Influence, within the outer blue line on the map below.

The Didcot Powerhouse Fund tackles inequality and deprivation in Greater Didcot and the surrounding villages. Since its launch, Powerhouse, which is a donor advised fund, has raised over £300,000 for the Didcot community and each year it directs grant funding to different community organisations which are working hard to improve local lives.

A total of £108,000 was given out by Powerhouse in grants in 2024 to 21 bodies serving the Greater Didcot area.

Criteria to apply for a grant

  1. The size of group’s income (£5,000 – £750,000); where several organisations are making a joint bid, the size criterion applies to the total group income

  2. Status: charity / community interest company / community group that has at least three trustees or committee members who are not related to each other

  3. Previous grant recipients may apply provided the new project meets the current year theme; performance against previous KPIs will be taken into account in assessing applications

  4. The group should have a bank account in its own name with at least two unrelated signatories, open for three months or more, and audited accounts available for the most recent financial year (if not yet available, submit management accounts or income/expenditure document)

  5. Priority will be given to those organisations based within the grant area

  6. Encouragement is given for organisations to work together to make joint applications for a joint project

  7. Not an individual

  8. Minimum one year of operation: if constituted for less than one year but have been active for longer please demonstrate activity; where a number of organisations are making a joint bid at least one organisation to have a minimum one year of operation, but not all

  9. Applications from individuals, for profit companies, public bodies or statutory organisations (including parish/town councils) are not eligible

  10. Reserves: minimum of one month of running costs or explain why this is not possible; explain why if reserves are more than 12 months

  11. Funds cannot be awarded to cover costs already paid for

  12. Applicants should be open to people of all religions and political affiliations, and must not proselytise

Small grants of up to £500 may be available for organisations and/or projects outside these criteria at the discretion of the Grants Panel.

Project criteria

  • At least 90% of the beneficiaries of the project must live in The Greater Didcot Area including surrounding villages (see map above)

  • The project must be aligned to the annual grant theme

  • The application should be for:

    • the creation, or extension of a project, or programme of events in line with the annual theme where impact can be demonstrated

    • The beneficiaries must be people (not one individual or animals)

Those bids invited to the final Grants Panel will be asked for an itemised, costed project budget indicating how the grant will be used, and details of where other funds have been secured (where appropriate) must be provided.

While impact may take longer to achieve the significant proportion of the project implementation should be completed by December 2024.


The Didcot Powerhouse Fund is aware that applying for grants can be a time-consuming process for organisations, and potentially frustrating when no grant is then available. So the process of grant application is in two stages:

In stage 1 organisations are invited to complete a short online form that is their Expression of Interest which are reviewed by the Grants Panel. A small number of Expressions of Interest will then be invited to complete a full bid application and present to the Grants Panel in stage 2, the final round.

Application Stages

STAGE 1 Initial Expression of Interest forms will be completed in early December, 2024 date TBA.

You will need to supply the following details:

1. Organisation details 2. Amount requested 3. A brief outline of how the grant will be used 4. Geographic area 5. Timing – the project must complete by the end of the calendar year of application, in order for impact monitoring and reporting to donors to take place in the same financial year.


Those organisations invited to progress to the final round will be asked to provide:

1. More detailed information about the project 2. How they are going to measure success

For applications for awards under £5,000, the Grants Panel may consider making an award without requiring a final round application.

Key Dates and Timings

Stage 1 - As a guideline this year, the Fund will open for Expressions of Interest in early December

2024, date TBC and will close in early January 2025, date TBC.

Stage 2 - The Powerhouse grants panel will shortlist grant applicants and invite them to present

their project to the Grants Panel. Unsuccessful and successful applicants will be duly notified.

Stage 3 - Successful grants will be issued during March 2025.

Image courtesy of Marten Bjork

Grant Recipients in 2022

A total of £108,000 was given out by Powerhouse in grants in 2024, to bodies serving the Greater Didcot Area of influence. Grants ranged from £400 to £10,000.

View details of our 2023 grant recipients by clicking here and see map displaying the Fund’s coverage above.

Fuel Better Futures

The theme for grants changes annually and for 2024 is is ‘Creating Stronger Bonds in our Community’.

The Didcot Powerhouse Fund Advisory Group, guided by Oxfordshire Community Foundation, Charitable Incorporated Organisation no 1151621 (England & Wales), will review and have the final say on all grant applications.